From the Vedas to the Bhagavad-Gita: A Study of Sanatana Dharma – HUA

This Hindu Studies course will provide a comprehensive overview of Hinduism, including its central themes and ideas. The course will delve into the fundamental concepts of Hinduism, including a study of key Sanskrit terms and principal ideas, through selected readings from ancient Hindu scriptures such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, and Puranas. The course will also compare the Hindu worldview, which is based on the concept of Sanatana Dharma and emphasizes duties and responsibilities, with modern Western ideologies that focus on rights and competition.

Throughout the course, students will learn about the impact of colonialism on Hinduism and the significance of Hindu studies today, especially in light of the need for intellectual decolonization. By the end of the course, students will be able to:

•Explore different aspects of the Hindu Studies program offered by the Hindu University of America           

•Distinguish between the central ideas and concepts that constitute the foundations of Sanatana Dharma. 

•Compare various elective areas of study within the Hindu Studies program, including Sanskrit Studies, Texts and Traditions, Yoga Studies, History and Method, Post-Colonial Hindu Studies, and Conflict and Peace Studies.

•Choose a path for further study of Hindu thought or Western thought from a Hindu perspective

•Reflect on what they have learned and how it has affected them.

The course structure includes a minimum of 1.5 contact hours with one or more faculty members each week. The class will be structured in a way that promotes discussion and debate based on self-study and reflection each week. Students will be required to submit one short essay based on their own reflections and insights into what they have learned and assimilated so far.


CONTACT – 407-205-2118

WEBSITE- Hindu university of America

EMAIL- [email protected]

Address- 5200 Vineland Rd 125 Orlando, FL 32811

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